Wine Industry Videos
Understanding Antioxidants

July, 12, 2011 Understanding Antioxidants

In this short film, Henrietta, our Head of Nutrition, explains what antioxidants are, why we need them and where we can get them from....

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Napa Valley Rocks: History of the Napa Valley Wine Industry

June, 28, 2011 Napa Valley Rocks: History of the Napa Valley Wine Industry

Although Napa Valley is a "new world" wine region, it has a rich and intriguing history. Watch this video to learn more about Napa Valley's past....

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True Champagne Comes from Champagne, France

June, 03, 2011 True Champagne Comes from Champagne, France

Champagne only comes from Champagne, France. A group of renowned vintners come together to explain the unique characteristics of the Champagne region....

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Seven things you need to know about terroir

June, 01, 2011 Seven things you need to know about terroir

Terroir is an important concept in wine - here, Jamie Goode details seven things you need to know about it...

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China cultivates a taste for fine wines

May, 31, 2011 China cultivates a taste for fine wines

China's thirst for wine is growing at a rapid rate and some research groups believe the market will overtake North America's within the next two years. Overseas producers are trying to take advantage of China's new-found taste for wine and quench the demand, but local vineyards are also gearing up ...

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New Zealand wine industry look beyond the glut

May, 28, 2011 New Zealand wine industry look beyond the glut

NEW ZEALAND, Blenheim : Years of surplus in New Zealand's prime wine growing region have pummeled prices, and forced many wineries to shut their doors. But now vintners are looking brightly to signs the industry is slowly recovering....

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