Wine Industry News

November, 25, 2013 What the most expensive case of wine ever sold at auction tastes like

(QZ) - You’ll probably never be lucky enough to try the Burgundy that just broke the record for the most expensive case of wine ever sold at auction, a 1978 Romanée-Conti that went for $476,280 this past weekend in Hong Kong. That works out to an astounding $39,690 per bottle, or $6,61...

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November, 23, 2013 America's Most Wanted Wines Under $30

(Wine-Searcher) - While many Wine-Searcher users tend to focus on more expensive wines, over one-third of all U.S.-based searches are aimed at bottles under $30. The importance of this price sector is borne out by a 2013 Wine Market Council report, which found that purchases under $30 accounted for...

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November, 23, 2013 Duckhorn to launch Washington State Cabernet

(Decanter) - Duckhorn has become the latest Napa Valley winery to invest in Washington State and is preparing to launch a Cabernet Sauvignon sourced from the Red Mountain area. The as yet unnamed wine from the 2012 vintage, priced at US$40, was made by Duckhorn executive winemaker Bill Nancarrow...

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November, 23, 2013 U.S. Northwest: Wine grape crop crushes record

(ThNewsTribune) - Washington farmers grew another record-breaking crop of wine grapes this year as wineries push to fill the demand created by a growing U.S. thirst. The harvest is up 16 percent from last year's record. Estimates put the total amount of wine grapes crushed at almost 218,000 t...

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November, 22, 2013 America’s First Great Wine…Made in 1842

(TheDailyBeast) - America’s first great wine is one you’ve probably never heard of.  The Pilgrims did not produce it.   Despite his dreams of flourishing vineyards at Monticello and his belief that America could produce wines “doubtless as good” as Europe, Tho...

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(TDB) - A blind tasting of some of the world’s most revered Cabernet blends from the 2009 vintage in London yesterday saw Château Ducru-Beaucaillou come out in first place. Despite the presence of all five Bordeaux first growths in the tasting, the second growth property from Sa...

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November, 22, 2013 China to Double Wine Production Within 5 Years

(Wine-Searcher) - China will be the world’s biggest wine producer within five years, according to a leading light at France’s National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). While China is currently the world’s fifth-largest producer of wine, Boris Petric, an anthropologis...

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November, 22, 2013 Israel: Scientists uncover 3,700-year-old wine cellar in ancient Canaanite palace

(CTVNews)  - Scientists have uncovered a 3,700-year-old wine cellar in the ruins of a Canaanite palace in Israel, and chemical analysis shows this is where they kept the good stuff. Samples from the ceramic jars suggest they held a luxurious beverage that was evidently reserved for banquets...

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