Wine Industry News

October, 22, 2014 What's Your Winery's IP Worth?

(Wines&Vines) - Every business has a duty to protect its own intellectual property (IP) and avoid infringing others’ rights. That was the message delivered at IP Issues in the Food and Beverage Industries, a two-day seminar presented by The Seminar Group in Napa, Calif. Robert B. Burli...

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October, 22, 2014 Inflight Wine Reaches New Heights

(Wine-Searcher) - Janice Fuhrman talks to the people who decide which wines will be served at 30,000 feet. When aviation experts talk about fluid dynamics, they're probably not talking about wine; when Clara Yip of Cathay Pacific Airlines thinks about the concept, she most certainly is. Yip i...

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October, 22, 2014 Pennsylvania: 2,447 Bottles of Wine on the Wall and State Plans to Dump Them All

(Bloomberg) - Christina Turley’s father, Larry, produces California wine from vines that date back to the late 1800s. Sought by collectors, several bottles may be dumped down a Philadelphia sink. Pennsylvania plans to destroy 2,447 bottles seized from Arthur Goldman, a Philadelphia-area la...

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October, 22, 2014 Forget the Beer — Germany is for Wine Lovers

(YahooTravel) - Booze hounds of the world hear “Germany” and immediately bark back, “Beer!” This is unfortunate. Not that we mean to put down a nice Bavarian weissbier, and we certainly have nothing against being served it by an attractive German in a dirndl, but those wh...

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October, 22, 2014 Wine Technology of the Future: SmartWine Intelligent Vineyard Monitoring System

(AcademicWino) - Today, we will explore an exciting new technology designed to be an “end-to-end” cloud-based monitoring system from the vine to the wine:  SmartWine. Created by a team of Macedonian scientists, SmartWine grew from the thought that wireless sensor technology netw...

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October, 22, 2014 Are Genetically Modified grape vines ever going to be good for wine?

(Wine-Blog) - Let’s consider if Genetically Modified grape vines are ever going to be good for us… In order to do that, we have to look at studies that are being done independently, many of which are happening outside of the United States, as regards other crops. It’s also imp...

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October, 22, 2014 How Antinori Changed the Face of Tuscany

(WineSpectator) - Forty years ago, Piero Antinori outraged the Italian wine world with the first release of a red blend that was quite untraditionally Tuscan, Tignanello. A few years later, he followed that with Solaia, which also blended the Bordeaux grapes Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc wi...

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October, 21, 2014 Russia to invest €250m in Crimean wine industry

(Decanter) - The Russian government plans to invest up to €250m in the expansion and growth of the Crimean wine industry to include a 60% increase in vineyard plantings. As part of state plans, by 2025, the total area covered by Crimean vineyards will have grown from 37,300ha to 100,000ha, ...

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