Wine Industry News

January, 16, 2015 How bad is booze anyway? 6 crazy facts about drinking

(CNN) - Ever wondered how many calories you really consume every time you drink? Or how alcohol actually affects your nightly ZZZs? (Spoiler alert: it's not the magic sleep aid you think.) We got to the bottom of boozing's biggest urban legends. And don't worry -- it's not all bad news. Drinking ...

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January, 16, 2015 What is a wine rave?

(FoxNews) - Two Los Angeles sommeliers are on a mission to change the way you think about wine. Adam Vourvoulis and Maxwell Leer have both left traditional restaurant positions behind and recently hosted their first wine rave. So what's a wine rave?   Vourvoulis and Leer want millen...

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January, 16, 2015 Beer lovers torpedo Lagunitas lawsuit against Sierra Nevada

(SFGate) - Trademark-infringement lawsuits rarely garner more than a disinterested shrug, but when one of Northern California’s best-known craft brewers sues another over a beer label, furious drinkers take to the tweets. On Monday, Petaluma’s Lagunitas Brewing Co. filed a lawsuit agai...

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January, 16, 2015 California: Counties grapple with winery outreach directly to consumers

(NBBJ) - Sixty percent of wineries in the unincorporated areas of Sonoma County have tasting rooms, compared with 90 percent in Napa County, according to planning officials who have been analyzing winery use permit activity recently and trends in response to a growing number of applications for mor...

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January, 16, 2015 Wine Crisis Leads to Protests in Argentina

(Wine-Searcher) - Wine industry workers take to the streets as Argentina's economic crisis threatens this year's harvest. The city of Mendoza in Argentina ground to a halt today as more than 5000 grapegrowers, winemakers and vineyard workers protested against government inertia over a bailout for ...

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January, 16, 2015 DtC Wine Shipments Grow 15% in 2014

(Wines&Vines) - Wine shipments from U.S. wineries to consumers across the country hit all-time highs in value and volume in 2014, according to the 2015 Direct To Consumer Wine Shipping Report created by ShipCompliant and Wines & Vines. The value of these DtC shipments surpassed $1.8 billion...

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January, 16, 2015 Whole Foods wine buyer urges Sonoma growers to push sustainability

(PD) - The top wine buyer for Whole Foods Market on Thursday lauded the effort by Sonoma County growers to make the county’s grape crop 100 percent sustainable before the end of the decade, but cautioned it will be a difficult task to get a national standard that will embraced by wine consume...

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January, 15, 2015 Burgundy Prices Stabilize with 2013 Vintage

(Wine-Searcher) - The 2013 vintage is giving fresh, focused and sensibly priced wines, even though they are in short supply. The Burgundy 2013 pre-release tastings in London have been dominated by two subjects – price, and the 2014 vintage. Producers are happy with the quality of the 2013, ...

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