Wine Industry News

May, 18, 2015 Winery Hiring Activity Heats Up

(Wines&Vines) - U.S. wineries appear to be actively hiring for the upcoming summer tourism season and harvest.  The Winery Job Index rose by 34% in April compared to April 2014, and this was the largest monthly gain in 2015. The index, based on postings to, also grew 19% co...

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May, 18, 2015 Fourth big winegrape harvest could sate vintner thirst

(NBBJ) - With potentially a fourth straight sizable California winegrape harvest on the horizon, a short-term slackening in demand from vintners to buy more grapes and buy excess wine is emerging, according to brokers of such deals. While demand for cabernet sauvignon grapes and wine has remaine...

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May, 18, 2015 2015 Vintage Report: South America

(Wine-Searcher) - Rain was a major factor in the harvests on both sides of the Andes. Chile Chile has had a pretty wild ride this year, marked by floods and volcanic eruptions. The resulting wines will be mixed but the warm season looks promising for Mediterranean varieties. Starting ...

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May, 18, 2015 Virginia vintners work with NASA to learn where to grow their grapes

(Dailyprogress) - Virginia’s young and fast-growing wine industry is taking a good look at itself — from outer space. Using satellite images, NASA scientists recently mapped vineyards across the commonwealth to take stock of an enterprise that bedeviled Thomas Jefferson and countless...

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May, 18, 2015 Iowa's wine industry relies on produce

(Thegazette) - Iowa’s wine industry has seen major growth in the past two decades, according to a 2012 report from the Agricultural Marketing Resource Center. The report found that the average monthly production of wine in 2011 was almost seven times the amount produced in 2002. Jamie S...

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May, 16, 2015 Sugar in Wine, The Great Misunderstanding

(WineFolly) - “I have a beautiful Riesling that would go great with your dinner.” “No thanks, I don’t like sweet wines. I will just have a Coke.” A dialog that has played out countless times. How many of us think that a Coke is less sweet than the average Riesl...

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May, 16, 2015 Winery Boss Jailed Over Fake Chablis

(Wine-Searcher) - A producer has been accused of blending inferior wines and passing them off as Chablis in a decade-long scam. The head of a French wine company has been arrested and jailed after an alleged scam was uncovered, involving inferior wine being labeled and sold as Chablis. Jean-C...

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May, 15, 2015 How's Your Winery Doing?

(Wines&Vines) - As a winery owner, you know how much wine you make and how much you sell. But do you know what your competitive position is within the wine industry marketplace? Do you know about industry trends? And do you understand the financial implications of your grapegrowing, winemaking ...

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