Wine Industry News

July, 20, 2011 Aussie renaissance

The Australians whetted American’s palate for Shiraz decades ago with a line up of inexpensive wines. The wines bore novelty labels, giving wine drinkers an often fun, insider’s perspective of the wine maker’s sense of humor. As the Down Under wine industry burgeoned, the wines became whipp...

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July, 20, 2011 Winegrape Demand and Prices Bubbling

Santa Rosa, Calif.—An unusual sight greeted members and guests who attended the 59th annual meeting of Allied Grape Growers on Friday in Santa Rosa: an optimistic Nat DiBuduo. Although the long-time president and CEO of the grapegrowers’ marketing cooperative had spoken of some positive signs at...

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July, 19, 2011 Asian collectors fuel wine buying spree

(Reuters Life!) - Wine collectors, particularly from Hong Kong, bought more than $200 million worth of fine wines at auction in the first half of 2011, nearly doubling the amount for the same period last year. But while the buying opportunities have expanded, prices for individual bottles have st...

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July, 19, 2011 Canada: B.C. winemakers looking ahead for future employment needs

British Columbia winemakers are working to pinpoint what skills and training will be needed to meet future employment demands for their expanding industry. A $140,000 study, funded by the federal and provincial governments, is developing a comprehensive human resources strategy led by HortEducati...

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July, 19, 2011 How to invest in wine

Wine is a unique asset. Unlike other luxury items, such as Rolex watches or Aston Martin cars, the supply of fine wine is fixed. If demand for a Rolex or Aston Martin increases, more can be made, but fine wines have a set production number - once the grapes are picked, no more vines can be planted...

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July, 18, 2011 US: Lodi Attacks Grapevine Diseases

Lodi, Calif.—Late pruning followed by a spray application of fungicide is considered the best strategy to prevent fungal infections of grapevines that cause Eutypa dieback and canker diseases. New biofungicide and paint products to spray onto pruning wounds and prevent fungal infections could be a...

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July, 18, 2011 NZ: Wine growers, HortNZ concerned over Chinese import system

Wine growers are questioning whether new biosecurity standards agreed between New Zealand and China will be followed. Horticulture New Zealand has also expressed concerns. As part of the New Zealand-China free trade agreement negotiated last year, new import health standards and associated quality...

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July, 18, 2011 Rice wine makgeolli dominates Korean booze market

The traditional Korean unrefined rice wine makgeolli has taken over as the country`s alcoholic beverage of choice by occupying more than 10 percent of the domestic market for the first time in 16 years. Exports of makgeolli have also exceeded imports of the Japanese rice wine sake for the first tim...

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