Wine Industry News

November, 24, 2011 British Columbia: Paradise to Revive Bankrupt Winery

(Wines&Vines) - A year after the Holman Lang Group of wineries in B.C’s Okanagan Valley entered receivership, plans are afoot to open a new chapter on the last of the group’s wineries that was sold through the courts. Vancouver-based 6,000-case Paradise Ranch Wines Corp., a veteran ice wine prod...

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November, 23, 2011 Wine outperforms equities amid bubble warning

(Telegraph) - Wine was the top performing asset class last month, outperforming the FTSE, Dow Jones and the gold price. Wine has outperformed equities, gold and oil, according to the latest monthly figures. A report from The Bordeaux Index revealed wine is the asset class that lost the least value i...

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November, 23, 2011 U grapes help wine industry grow

(MNdaily) - In the past 30 years, the University of Minnesota has developed climate-enduring wine grapes that are now made into the four most widely produced wines in Minnesota. A full crop of “cold hardy grapes” can withstand temperatures of up to 33 below zero. Now, a $2.5 million grant ...

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November, 23, 2011 BERGER: How do you know if your wine is real?

(Pressdemocrat) - When you buy a bottle of a famed wine, you take it on faith that it’s genuine and not a fake. In fact, fake wine is precisely why corks began to be branded with the name of a winery (as well as the vintage date), and why most reputable wines still use branded corks. It may be ...

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November, 22, 2011 US: Wine Tourism Brings People and Profit

(Wines&Vines) - North America’s first Wine Tourism Conference last week was snugly sandwiched between the first Napa Valley Film Festival and the first Flavor Napa Valley culinary festival, two prime examples of wine country touristic possibilities. The sold-out two-day conference attracted repres...

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November, 22, 2011 Air France-KLM transports 1,400 tonnes of wine

(Aircargoworld) - Every third Thursday of November, people around the world celebrate Beaujolais Nouveau Day, making the release of the purple-pink wine cultivated in France’s Beaujolais region. Seeing who can get the bottles to market the fastest is another popular tradition, one that Air France-...

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November, 22, 2011 AUS: Researchers closer to preventing spoiled wine

(ABC) - Australian researchers are claiming a breakthrough in their knowledge of how to tackle a yeast organism that can spoil wine. Scientists from the Wine Research Institute have sequenced the genome of brettanomyces, commonly known as "brett". The organism is often found in wine barrels an...

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November, 22, 2011 US: Gallo looking for more grapes

(Westernfarmpress) - Knowing that California’s growers are facing tough decisions on whether to plant wine grapes or to take part in a nut-growing swarm that’s sweeping the state, a titan in the wine industry brought some bullish reassurance to a Fresno meeting of San Joaquin Valley wine growers...

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