Wine Industry News

April, 02, 2012 The World's Most Expensive Wine and Spirits

(Huffingtonpost) - To impress the most discerning dinner party guests, a host needs to go all out. And to really knock their socks off, make sure everything is top shelf. The cheapest liquor on this list, an 1811 bottle of Chateau d'Yquem, recently sold for $117,000. The buyer, the French-born Chri...

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April, 02, 2012 Bordeaux 2011: Whites set to shine as campaign gets underway

(Decanter) - En Primeur week began yesterday in brilliant sunshine and broad optimism on the part of producers – especially when it comes to the white wines.The lack of rainfall in the summer – between March and June there was 74mm of rain compared with an average of 176mm – together with a co...

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April, 02, 2012 Americans Love French Wine

(WineSpectator) - France's wine industry is enjoying record sales, and while Chinese consumers are buying Bordeaux, U.S. consumers are buying everything. The French are trying to conquer America, and that doesn't mean they want to buy Louisiana back. Americans are purchasing French wine in record am...

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April, 02, 2012 Wine: Third Party Providers are Here…To Stay

(ShipCompliant) - Last month I had the privilege of addressing a group of control state regulators, industry attorneys and key industry executives that gathered just outside Washington, DC for the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association’s (NABCA) Annual Legal Symposium. The topic of my panel...

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April, 02, 2012 U.S., EU blast Argentina's trade restrictions at WTO

(Reuters) - Argentina came under a barrage of criticism at the World Trade Organization on Friday, where the United States, European Union, Japan and 10 other countries accused it of tying up imports in red tape. Argentina's center-left government has imposed a raft of sometimes unorthodox import...

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April, 02, 2012 Chips with wine: Variable volatiles from toasted oak chips will affect wine characteristics

(SeparationsNow) - Chipping away at wine: Oak barrels have been used by winemakers for hundreds of years to enhance the flavour of wines. Typically, the inside is lightly toasted to impart a sweet character to the wood which affects the wine directly. The effect has been described as accentuating th...

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April, 02, 2012 US: Early grape budding threatens 2012 crop if frost returns

(GrandForksHerald) - The record-shredding warm weather in North Dakota could be trouble for grape growers in the state this year, officials said. Lorna Bradbury, a horticulture specialist with North Dakota State University’s Williston Research Extension Center, said grape production could suffe...

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April, 02, 2012 France: Bordeaux Price Falls Expected

(WSJ) - Today marks the beginning of the Bordeaux “Primeurs” week, one of the most important dates in the wine-tasting calendar and the most important for Bordeaux, the world’s largest fine-wine region. Over the next five days, more than 5,000 wine connoisseurs—critics, commercial buyers,...

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