Wine Industry News

October, 01, 2012 Napa Sauvignon takes a new stylistic direction

(TheDrinksBusiness) - As Napa Valley Sauvignon Blanc evolves towards a more balanced and less overtly oaky style a tasting panel picks out the best examples from 2011. The US is having a love affair with Pinot Grigio and Moscato, and these wines have each taken a turn at dethroning Sauvignon Blan...

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October, 01, 2012 What Is The Best Wine Glass For Enjoying Wine?

(Forbes) - Remember the days when were all content to sip from a fat-lipped, sturdy, sensible wine glass…the kind that you could drop on a tile floor and it would just bounce? Maximilian Riedel, the 11th generation of famed Riedel glassmaker and CEO of Riedel Crystal America, likes to call those ...

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September, 30, 2012 How to improve the oxygenation of wine?

(TeatroNaturale) - Some factors have a beneficial or detrimental effect on the solubility of oxygen in wine. It is important to know these parameters to assure a proper winemaking and a long life to wines. Oxygen is a very important element in enology, even if it is normally ignored or underestimat...

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September, 30, 2012 UC Davis study test stoppers ability to preserve wine flavor

(WTVR)–– All wine isn’t created equal, and neither are all wine toppers. This is what a new UC Davis study wants to prove. Most people assume corks are better than synthetic, and both are better than a screw top; but others argue that’s not true. It’s a taste test to please the pallets...

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September, 30, 2012 France may finally accept the little château on the prairie

(Independent) - Wine lovers in Britain and elsewhere in Europe may soon be drinking bottles of Château Dead Man's Gulch or, more likely, Château Napa Valley. Despite furious opposition in France, the European Commission is considering a request from Washington that American producers be allowed...

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September, 30, 2012 Stop buying expensive wine!

(Salon) - How do we judge the value of wine? More specifically, what makes one wine better than another? The easy answer is that these value judgments are all in the palate of the beholder. But are the palates of beholders truly their own? Do I really love this Pinot Blanc from the Willamette Valley...

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September, 30, 2012 SA: Wine farms look wobbly

(BDLive) - WINE farmers are struggling as high costs have slashed profits. Over the past seven years, total production costs have increased by 61% to R30582 a hectare, largely due to increases in the prices of fuel, electricity and water. Net farming income fell from R1 per 750ml of wine in 2004 ...

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September, 30, 2012 China woos oenophile wine market

(SFGate) - On the outskirts of Yinchuan, a sleepy provincial capital near the Gobi Desert, workers put the finishing touches on Château Changyu Moser XV, a vast building with white stone walls and black-tiled mansard and domed roofs. If it weren't for the cast-metal statues of Chinese lions guardin...

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