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Vintage: 2013

Varietal: Dessert Wine

Country: Hungary

Appellation: Tart cherry

Produced By: Mokos Pince

Cases Produced: 120 cs.

Alcohol Content: 13.00 %v/v



In the secret gardens of Western Eurasia Gods hide their most precious fruits. These beautiful orchards in the heart of Pannonia are watered with tears of joy since the beginning of time. Thus every ambrosial fruit from these gardens has a magic power, which is extracted to create the potion of deity. Tart Cherry Wine is the gift of Gods that contains the extract of youth. It is destined to bring happiness and love. If you want to get one slip closer to the divine secret of eternity, privilege yourself to taste Frucchus Tart Cherry Wine! Ingredient : 100% fresh tart cherry Alcohol content : 13%
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