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Vintage: 2010

Varietal: Pinot Noir

Country: USA

Appellation: Sonoma

Produced By: Garnet Vineyards

Cases Produced: 6 cs.

Alcohol Content: 0.99 %v/v



This bright Pinot Noir is blended of small lots from four of our estate vineyards. Cool, foggy weather from Monterey Bay rolls down a 90-mile-long valley: our vineyards, clustered on benchlands in the northern portion, dip in and out of the fogline during the growing season, creating a perfect environment for Burgundian varieties.
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Rating a wine is not for experts alone. This skill can be developed by anyone with enough practice and exposure and it starts with understanding the elements in winemaking, tasting and rating. There are basically 4 areas where wines are rated. These are appearance, aroma, taste and after taste.

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