Custom Crushing Expands in Oregon

Jul 24, 2015

(Wines&Vines) - With a grape harvest set to top 60,000 tons this year, Oregon custom-crush facilities are adding capacity in advance of what could be their busiest season ever.

“There are two other custom-crush facilities, and they are full. Many of the wineries that offer custom crush are at capacity, they don’t have room,” said Chris Graves, winemaker at Naumes Crush and Fermentation LLC in downtown Medford, a part of town also home to fellow crush facilities Barrel 42, now in its second year, and Pallet Wine Co., which opened in 2009.

Together, the three facilities offer approximately 75,000 cases of production capacity in the heart of one of the fastest grapegrowing regions of the state.

According to the most recent Oregon Vineyard and Winery Census Report from the Southern Oregon University Research Center, the wine regions of Southern Oregon—led by the Umpqua Valley—boosted vineyard acreage by 5.4% in 2013, with the new acreage set to make itself felt this year.

Naumes has a handful of clients signed on for this season in advance of the Aug. 1 opening, including Irvine Vineyards of Ashland, Ore., headed by Michael Donovan (formerly of RoxyAnn Winery). Graves anticipates growing the roster of clients to 10 by year’s end, with more following as the operation becomes established.

Production this season will total approximately 13,000 cases, but the facility has a capacity of 35,000-40,000 cases.

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