AUS: Heavy Tax Under Fire in Wine War

May 24, 2015

(AFR) - In response to the article "Wine war afoot as tax reforms loom" (AFR, May 18).

The Wine Industry is united in its approach to freeze the amount of tax we pay (currently 29 per cent Wine Equalisation Tax plus 10 per cent GST on wholesale value) as we are currently the highest-taxed wine-producing country in the World.  There is also a submission that the Winemakers' Federation of Australia has put to the federal government to remove the WET rebate from New Zealand winemakers, bulk wine and private label users. The WET rebate should only be used by genuine winemakers for its original intent to encourage regional tourism.

The move to a volumetric tax would be a disaster for the Industry. Administration costs would increase and winemakers would be forced to absorb regular six monthly CPI adjustments into their very thin margins as the retailers will not pass it on.

We need a simpler tax system and the volumetric tax is very complex, particularly with an Industry which makes a number of wines at different alcohol levels.

My fellow winemakers, which includes those in Australia's First Families of Wine (1200 years of wine making heritage between 12 family wineries), do not want a volumetric tax and are united behind the Winemakers' Federation of Australia.

We need some decisions from our federal government and not another inquiry.  We need to build a sustainable and profitable Industry for the long term that is competitive and proudly represents Australia in the global markets of the World.

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