Fresno State Dedicates Vineyard to Mechanization Research

Aug 13, 2014

(Wines&Vines) - California State University, Fresno, is in the process of redeveloping 120 acres of campus vineyards. Fresno State’s Department of Viticulture and Enology and the Viticulture and Enology Research Center (VERC) use the vineyards for teaching, research and commercial grape production. During Grape Day 2014 on Aug. 5 attendees watched field demonstrations and toured of some of the recently redeveloped wine grape, table grape and raisin vineyards as well as the department’s laboratory, winery and research facilities.

Some 65 acres of campus vineyards are devoted to wine grape production. Future plans include planting a new 3.5-acre instructional block that will be on a four-year rotation to allow students to be involved in all aspects of vineyard production from planting to maturity of a first crop over a four-year period. Also planned is a variety block with 150 cultivars to include wine, table and raisin grape varieties and rootstocks. A trellis and irrigation demonstration block will feature commercial grape varieties trained with different trellis and irrigation system designs. The department also plans to build a new greenhouse facility for students to gain experience in vine-propagation practices.

Mechanization vineyard block in production A 19-acre vineyard block designed for research, teaching and demonstration of vineyard mechanization was planted in May 2013 with French Colombard on 1103P rootstock with 11-foot spacing between rows and 6-foot spacing between vines. The block was planted with financial assistance from West Coast Grape Farming, a division of Bronco Wine Co., that also organized support and donations from grape industry suppliers for vine material, trellis and irrigation systems. 

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