8 Wine Trends We’re Loving Right Now

May 1, 2014

(Care2) - The wine industry is surprisingly adaptable for a craft that’s been around for thousands of years. Wine-makers are flexible in modifying their processes to keep up with changing consumer demands and environmental issues. These wine trends are telling examples of the wine industry’s innovation and resilience.

Cheers to Sustainable Wine Trends!

1. Paper Wine Bottles – Wine company Truett-Hurst recently debuted the world’s first paper bottle of wine. The paper bottle weighs less than glass and is fully recyclable. We can’t wait to see other bottlers follow suit!

2. Boxed WineBoxed wine stays fresher longer, which means you waste less. And some very good wineries are starting to offer their wines in boxes either instead of or in addition to bottles. Boxing wine also reduces packaging weight, which means fewer carbon emissions to ship. So much win!

3. Charitable Wine – We love any company that gives back, and more and more wineries are pledging a portion of their profits to charity.

4. Wine on Tap – Talk about waste reduction! Instead of heavy bottles or tons of individual boxes, tap wine comes in reusable kegs, just like beer. The way the tap is designed also prevents the wine from spoiling, so restaurants don’t have to pour out unfinished bottles at the end of the evening.

5. Water Conservation at Wineries – The Silicone Valley Bank’s 2014 wine trends report talks in depth about how California’s ongoing drought is impacting wine production (pdf). Wineries continue to respond to the water issue by finding ways to conserve and reuse water.

6. Overall Focus on Sustainability – Beyond water, wineries are finding that they can save money and appeal to new (read: younger) wine-drinkers by upping their sustainability game. California’s Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance is a good example of this. The vast majority of California grape growers are part of this sustainability advocacy group. California’s wine-producing Sonoma County is on its way to becoming 100% sustainable.

7. Wineries on Social Media – The Internet is the great democratizer, and it’s beginning to influence the world of wine. Why is it so cool that wineries are starting to have a presence on Twitter and Facebook? That gives us as consumers more direct access to the folks running the show. We can ask questions and give feedback, and the wineries in turn can cultivate a more loyal following. More transparency is always a good thing!

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