Google Street View to take wine drinkers into Bordeaux chateaux

Sep 8, 2013

(AFP) - Drinking a great Bordeaux and want to know more about the chateau and the family behind it? Google has armed a team of videographers with cameras to go inside select chateaux in the wine capital of France and show armchair travelers and drinkers where their vino is made.

Like they did with the Grand Canyon, Mount Everest, and most recently the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, videographers are currently capturing behind-the-scenes footage of nine chateaux using backpack-mounted cameras referred to as the Street View Trekker, as well as the Googe Street View Car and trolleys.

The wineries include Chateau Lafon-Rochet, Chateau de la Brede, Chateau de Malle, Chateau de Pressac, Chateau d’Agassac, Chateau Guadet, Chateau Coutet, Chateau La Conseillante and Chateau Corbin Michotte.

Google street mappers will also be capturing photos of the medieval town of Saint-Emilion, a UNESCO heritage site.

Also this week, Google Maps released updated photos of the tsunami-affected areas of northeastern Japan, part of a long-term project to virtually observe how Japanese governments are working to rebuild people’s lives and the progress made since 2011.

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