10 Agriculture Stories You Should Read Today

Aug 20, 2013

(WFP) -  1. Genetic Engineering’s Genuine Monster: Bowing to the beast of government regulation. (Forbes)

2. A Fort Knox For Seeds: From the outside it may not look like a bastion of U.S. agriculture. Inside, it holds one of the world's largest collections of seeds, genetic material for livestock, microbes and endangered plants. (The Salt)

3. This Farm Runs on Hulls: Walnut shells = power. (Modern Farmer)

4. Water the New Gold? It pays to be upstream. When water runs short, trouble runs long. (Western Farm Press)

5. The Raisin Outlaw: In most other industries, selling all the goods you can make is just good business. But in the raisin world, things are different. (WVTF)

6. Judas Hogs to the Last One: New Mexico is hot-nosing the feral hog trail. 500 hogs dead so far, and team leaders say they’re ahead of schedule to completely eliminate every hog in the state. (Sante Fe Reporter)

7. Drone Season Opens? Deer Trail, Colo., may issue hunting licenses for drones — with $100 rewards for shooting down drones and bringing in "identifiable parts of an unmanned aerial vehicle … known to be owned or operated by the United States federal government." (Motherboard)

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