California: Grape Broker Forecasts Favorable Demand/Prices

Mar 12, 2013

(Wines&Vines) - California grape demand and prices will face a stable to good market until at least 2016, according to Jeff Bitter, vice president of operations for Fresno, Calif.-based Allied Grape Growers. Bitter based his prediction, which he presented March 6 at Clarksburg Grape Day, on wine shipment trends, recent grape crush figures and future estimates. Although increases in grape planting raise concerns about oversupply during the next 3 to 4 years, Bitter said a moderate statewide net increase in vineyard acreage of 15,000 new acres per year should provide a balanced market to avoid the excess supply that resulted from the previous over-planting cycle that occurred from about 1998 to 2002.

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