Daily glass of wine ‘is as good as drugs for protecting thin bones in older women’

Aug 3, 2012

(DailyMail) - One or two glasses of wine a day could work as well as drugs at  protecting older women from thinning bones. Regular moderate intake of alcohol after the menopause helps to maintain bone strength, according to an international review team. In comparison, they say, abstaining from alcohol leads to a higher risk of developing osteoporosis.

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Aug 13, 2012

I didn't know about the no beer on Sundays law. That does seem a little odd. Someone once tried to eplxain to me that Minnesota beer has less concentrated alcohol, like it's 3.2.1 beer or something. I never did understand it.As for buying liquor in a grocery store, I have to admit, the law seems to be there more to support liquor stores than enforcing public safety. Its also weird how you can set up a liquor store in the same building, but it can't have the same entrance.

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