Canada: Ottawa drops ban on wine transport

Jun 8, 2012

(MontrealGazette) - Private member's bill to 'free the grapes' will replace decades-old prohibition. New federal legislation will soon make it legal to trans-port your favourite wine across Quebec's borders, but fermented grape aficionados aren't popping their corks in celebration just yet. The private member's bill, tabled by British Columbia MP Dan Albas, passed its third reading in the House of Commons on Wednesday, and is expected to receive royal assent and become law before the end of the month. The bill, which Albas claims will "free the grapes," will end a decades-old prohibition that made it illegal for consumers to transport wines across provincial borders or have them shipped directly to their homes from another province for personal use without having to go through local liquor authorities such as the Socié-té des alcools du Québec.

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