Motivating misguided Millennials

May 11, 2012

(NapaValleyRegister) - Following its recent survey of wine consumers, a local “interactive marketing agency” reported “staggering new research” indicates 35 percent of older Millennials drink wine “at least once a month.” Once a month? Where was that survey taken, in North Platte, Neb.? I don’t know about you, but I see a lot of the so-called Millennial crowd all over the place — and not just in Napa — quaffing wine in Bay Area wine bars and restaurants on a regular basis. Last year, the Wine Market Council reported that the Millennial market (defined as consumers aged 21-34) is composed of 1.7 billion people worldwide and 77 million in the U.S. which is larger than the baby boomers and nearly three times the size of Generation X.

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