US: Oldest bottle of Krug found

May 11, 2012

(NapaValleyRegister) - The Peter Mondavi Sr. family has concluded its hunt for a piece of that history — the oldest Charles Krug wine bottle in existence. The winning bottle, a 1946 Charles Krug Pinot Noir, was submitted by Joe and Janet Smith of Pope Valley. Smith said, “We drank the 1946 pinot noir when Janet, a returning adult student, graduated from Davis, and we kept the bottle as a souvenir in honor of her success. And the wine was great.” For the contest, the Peter Mondavi family encouraged wine lovers to scour their wine cabinets, cellars, closets and caves for Charles Krug wine bottles dating from the pre-Prohibition era or the Peter Mondavi Family era, which began with the 1944 vintage.

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