Lactobacillus – the good, the bad and the ugly

May 7, 2012

(NewWorldWinemakerBlog) - My husband is obsessed with this movie and the theme song. It was his cell phone ring-tone for a while – a long while actually – drove me bonkers. I guess that is why it was the first title that popped into my head when I thought of how to describe Lactobacillus in winemaking. It used to be the bad and in many cases the ugly. If you look at articles on stuck fermentations and wine spoilage from a few years ago, Lactobacillus almost always features somewhere in the article as one of the main culprits. So it is not surprising then that sales attempts to sell Lactobacillus starter cultures for malolactic fermentation are often greeted with GREAT resistance, aggression, jaw dropping, gawking or a call for Security.

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