US: “English-Spanish Dictionary for the Wine Industry” updated, expanded

May 4, 2012

(NapaValleyRegister) - The Napa-based company Spanish for Business has published a newly updated and expanded edition of the “English-Spanish Dictionary for the Wine Industry.” Author Josefina Adriance has added more than 1,500 words to the new work, including for the first time marketing terms, along with additional vineyard and winery vocabulary. Readers can now find the Spanish translations for lignification, budbreak and oxidation, as well as neckhanger, wine list and itemized invoice. Adriance, now marking the 20th anniversary of her business, published her first dictionary in 2010. A native Spanish speaker, Adriance based the work on her experience teaching Spanish, and interpreting and translating documents for the wine industry. The handbook garnered praise from both Spanish and English-speaking users in search of the highly specific vocabulary of the wine industry. It included terms used in vineyards, cellars, personnel offices and tasting rooms.

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