AM Alert: California wineries eye China's huge market

Apr 30, 2012

(SacBee) - Can California sell more wine to China? U.S. Rep. Dan Lungren is in Amador County moderating a forum on the possibilities of marketing wine to that large Asian market and elsewhere. Participants will hear from representatives of federal agencies, exporters, transportation specialists and industry officials at the event, which runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Old Schoolhouse, 21601 Shenandoah School Road, in Plymouth. The Gold River Republican co-chairs the Congressional Wine Caucus along with Democratic Rep. Mike Thompson of St. Helena. Lungren counts about 100 wineries in his district, according to the caucus web site. But don't expect him at any tastings. As Torey Van Oot has reported, he doesn't drink.

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