Liv-ex introduces brand new wine index

Apr 19, 2012

(DittonWineTraders) - The Liv-ex Fine Wine Exchange is the leading benchmark for the wine industry and yesterday (April 18th) it announced it has introduced a brand new index. People interested in wine investment will now have another avenue in which to track the trade of the most valuable fine wine in the world. The Liv-ex Bordeaux 500 will track the price movement of the ten most recent physical vintages of the leading wines from the region each month. It will calculate the index using the Liv-ex Mid Price and will replace the Liv-ex Fine Wine 500, which was based on merchant list prices rather than trading prices. According to Liv-ex, the new index will give investors a more detailed insight into different fine wine market trends. While it takes an overall look at the market, it is also broken into sub-categories. Investors can track the First Growth 50, the Right Bank Super 50, the Second Wine 50, the Sauternes 50, the Right Bank 100 and the Left Bank 200.

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