Malta: Delicata wines investigated over alleged use of Italian grapes in ‘Maltese’ DOK wine

Apr 9, 2012

(MaltaToday) - The managing director of wine producer Delicata, George Delicata, is insisting that he knows nothing of an ongoing police investigation into a suspected case of fraud related to DOK wine classification. MaltaToday is informed that the Ministry for Rural Affairs has carried out an analysis of three Delicata wines - the Gran Cavalier Vintage 2010, the Medina Sauvignon Blanc 2010 Vintage and the Delicata Cavalli Blanc varietal 2010 - and found that two of the wines, marked as DOK, had in fact been produced from grapes which originated from Italy and were imported to Malta for winemaking purposes. A wine acquires a DOK certificate when it is produced from grapes that have been cultivated in Malta.

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Johnny Briffa
Apr 27, 2012

My self, being closely connected to another of Malta's main and very serious wine producers with a portfolio of very high caliber wines, am appalled and angry at this news concerning Delicata Winery. Anybody abusing in this manner, should it be proven to be true, should be certainly reprimanded and heavily fined even. The industry must not suffer because one producers abuses DOK or IGT wine rules, if this indeed is what has happened. I imagine local farmers who labor so much with their vines to produce the fruits for DOK and IGT fine wines, must be furious at this prospect that one winery has "fooled" them in this manner. I encourage those serious wineries to keep up the good practice and keep giving us quality fine wines, trusting that the tourist and Maltese public alike continue to support our hard working farmers and the wineries that transform the fruit of their vines, into something so good since thousands of wine.

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