Do You Have a Good Palate?

Apr 4, 2012

(WineSpectator) - Some years ago I moved into an apartment in San Francisco, one of those arrangements with two units per floor with a connecting deck. I was spending a week painting the apartment, and my neighbor, who shared his apartment with his brother, stopped by to invite me over to their place for a glass of wine. I thanked him and said that I'd be over after I cleaned up a bit. When I went over, I was handed a glass of wine. It was a Napa Cabernet, if I recall correctly. I tasted the wine and said nothing. "So, what do you think of this wine?" "It's all right," I replied, as neutrally but politely as I could. This was not the expected response. I soon learned that they worked in restaurants, liked wine and considered themselves knowledgeable. They were put out.

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