US: New TTB Rule Allows Labeling Imported Wine With Multistate Appellations

Apr 3, 2012

(VinoAdvisingBlog) - TTB (Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau) recently announced that, effective April 23, 2012, it will allow the labeling of imported wines with multistate appellations of origin. This new rule amends the regulations regarding wine labeling and gives imported wines the same treatment that TTB already gives to domestic wines with multistate appellations. The rule will also keep consumers better informed about the origin of imported wines. Previously, under ยง 4.25(d) only American wines were allowed to use a multistate appellation of origin in their labels. The main requisite was that the grapes come from two, but not more, than three contiguous States. There was, however, no identical rule for imported wines. With this amendment, imported wines coming from tw

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