U.S. Wine Business Is Looking to Expand the Export to China

Apr 3, 2012

(SBWIRE) - China growing economy is helping to drive demand for U.S. business, offering a new market for wines, spirits and other goods. With U.S. wine exports reaching record levels last year, businesses should try to sell more aggressively their wines, spirits and other agricultural products into China’s market. According to the California Wine Institute United States wine exports has strike another record in 2011. By volume, 90% of the exports are from California, where the wine sales achieved a new record of $1.39 million in winery earnings in the past year and increase of almost 22 percent compared to 2010. The amount of the wine shipments was up almost six percent to 455.7 million liters or 50.6 million (12x750ml) cases. Nearly 1/3 of the U.S. wine exports are shipped to the EU countries, accounting for $478 million of the revenues, up 10% from 2010. The other top wine markets were: Canada up 23 percent to the amount of $379 million; Hong Kong up 39 percent to the value of $163 million; Japan up 39 percent to $105 million and China up 42 percent to $62 million.

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