The World's Most Expensive Wine and Spirits

Apr 2, 2012

(Huffingtonpost) - To impress the most discerning dinner party guests, a host needs to go all out. And to really knock their socks off, make sure everything is top shelf. The cheapest liquor on this list, an 1811 bottle of Chateau d'Yquem, recently sold for $117,000. The buyer, the French-born Christian Vanneque who has spread his love for wine to Bali, Indonesia, plans to keep the bottle on display in a bulletproof showcase -- like a "mini Fort Knox" -- until he drinks it in 2017 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of his clearly illustrious career. Quite the present to oneself -- how disappointing would it be if it didn't end up being any better than a bottle of two-buck chuck?

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