US: Cider makers tout growth at wine event

Apr 2, 2012

(YakimaHerald) - In one corner of the Northwest's largest wine tasting event, a handful of hard cider makers peddled potions fermented from Washington apples, pears, cherries and apricots. No grapes? No problem for tasters. Wine connoisseurs and cider buffs alike could expect to see more such products to sample in the future. Hard cider -- traditionally the homegrown product of hobby farmers with backyard presses -- has experienced a surge in popularity in the past decade, making it the fastest growing alcohol market nationally. Nowhere is that growth more evident than the Northwest, home to the craft beer movement and hundreds of wineries. The Northwest Cider Association, which was created two years ago, has grown to more than a dozen members, keeping the region on pace with Northeast states.

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