Anheuser-Busch InBev - Momentum

Mar 26, 2012

(Nasdaq) - After pounding a couple pints of your favorite beer, the stresses of modern day society may seem just a little bit less severe. Based on Anheuser-Busch InBev's most recent earnings report and outlook, it seems that the world might be doing just that. It's also the choice of much of the middle class and beer is, after all, the original social network. (That's what Anheuser-Busch InBev claims anyway). According to the Beer Institute, (yes there is such a thing) sales of the hoppy beverage rose more than 2% globally in 2011. Total sales for the year came in at $98 billion here in the US. Americans are the global kings of beer consumption compared to wine and hard liquor.

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Apr 27, 2012

According to other news reports Anheuser-Busch is adearly back away from this plan because of complaints by colleges and universities.It will be interesting to see if Anheuser-Busch makes it. They were larded up in late 2008 with $52 billion of debt. According to a CNN article they are raising beer prices across the board at the same time beer consumption is on the decline. A-B has adearly seen a lot of cost cutting to help pay for its massive debt.Other companies that were purchased or expanded during during the credit bubble with too much debt are adearly dropping like flies. Reader's Digest, General Growth, Idearc, Fairpoint Communications, etc. to name a few.My understanding is something like a 1/2 trillion dollars in corporate debt is going to go bad over the next 3 or 4 years.

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