Many stars past and present trying to shine in the wine world

Mar 19, 2012

(Kentucky) - Like the rest of us, celebrities enjoy wine. The hip-hop star Drake helped fuel the continuing rise of moscato by rapping about it. Actor Johnny Depp has a tattoo that reads "Wino forever" (although it should be noted that it originally read "Winona forever" back when he and Winona Ryder were an item). Some luminaries, especially recently, have been going a step further by opening their own wineries, or lending their name to wines for branding purposes. AC/DC "Highway to Hell" Cabernet, anyone? In recent weeks, Antonio Banderas launched Anta Banderas, and Drew Barrymore (a recovering addict, no less) announced the May release of something the world had not been clamoring for, a spendy pinot grigio.

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