AUS: Climate experts predict permanent drought could end wine industry in some parts of the world

Mar 10, 2012

(Newsnet5) - Last night I enjoyed a glass of delicious Australian Shiraz, a 2010 Mollydooker. An outstanding red wine. Big plum flavors with a hint of smoke & anise. In my opinion, the Aussies make some of the best Shiraz in the world. Perhaps it’s because of the often warm, very dry climate where these grapes grow. They are places called Barossa, Adelaide, & Coonawarra... perfect for growing grapes that make outstanding wines. Of course, all plants, including grape vines need water. But the less water grape vines have during the summer and fall, the more flavorful the grape. The algorithm goes like this: Dryer weather = less water in the berry + more sugar and intense flavors = great wines in my glass.

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