From Mines to Wines

Mar 4, 2012

(WSJ) - Zdenek Bakala's Odyssey Has Taken Him From Washing Dishes to Being the King of Czech Coal.Build it and they will come could be the motto of Czech-American investment banker Zdenek Bakala. At the start of this winter, New World Resources PLC, the coal-mining company his investment firm BXR Group controls, broke ground on Central Europe's first new privately owned coal mine since before World War II. NWR is investing more than €500 million in the Debiensko coking coal mine project in southern Poland, 40 kilometers from the Czech border, and has already received thousands of job applications; one bright spot in the weak European economy that has, in recent years, shown little success in job creation. [BAKALA] Agence France-Presse Zdenek Bakala or his firm have recently invested in a South African winery and Texas real estate. "It's a very signific

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