In vino, sanitas! What your daily glass of wine is doing to your survival chances

Mar 3, 2012

(Dailymail) - Last night I went to the cinema to see Liam Neeson’s latest film The Grey, in which he survives a plane crash in a freezing snowscape and fights a pack of wolves to the death. If I found myself in a similar situation, I wouldn’t have survived past check-in. Thankfully I’ll never have to worry about surviving against hungry wolves in freezing Alaska but I do receive general day-to-day health concerns from readers who have written to me or tweeted me @jollyolly about what their daily glass of vino is doing to their survival chances. There are two sides to this and my first point is to reassure you that when deployed responsibly, I believe wine to be a joyful, celebratory, civilised and positive cultural icon. From the ancient Greeks and across the world, wine has been celebrated in religious ceremonies and at the heart of conviviality when paired with meals – for me, the perfect place for wine to be enjoyed.

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