Austrian wine exports set a record

Feb 8, 2012

(Drinksint) - Exports of Austrian wine by value have exceeded estimates as a result of higher prices and a decline in bulk wine. Austrian Wine Marketing Board head Willi Klinger was in London today (February 8) for a major tasting. He said an export record of Euros126 million, an increase of 2.6% was set for 2011. This was after two short vintages in 2009 and 2010. Total export estimates were 46.5m litres, a 25% drop but the increase in value had meant the average price for a litre of Austrian wine has risen from Euro1.98 in 2010 to Euro2.71. Exported bulk sales have dropped 57% to 7.5m ltrs, down 25% by value. Klinger said: The wines are no longer offered at giveaway prices. There are fewer special offers at the lowest prices – a segment for which Austria, we cannot produce cost effectively and nor do we want to do this.”

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