US: State cuts affecting Texas wine industry

Jan 31, 2012

(WOAI) - When you think of fine wines, your first thought might not be Texas, but you would be wrong. The Texas wine industry is growing at an amazing rate, and a lot of that growth is in the Hill Country just north of San Antonio. While it's growing, the industry's future growth is in jeopardy because of state budget cuts. The modern era of the wine industry in the Hill Country is about 20-25 years old... relatively young compared to California or Europe, but it's growing quickly and wine experts say it is becoming impressive. Dick Holmberg started Singing Water Vineyards near Comfort in 1998; a veteran here in the Hill Country. While this vineyard is dormant right now, the state's one billion dollar wine business is definitely not. It's expanding almost monthly - a lot right here in the Hill Country

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