Rabobank Report: Dramatic Growth in Bulk Wine Exports Has Shifted $1.4 Billion Along Wine Supply Chain

Jan 19, 2012

/PRNewswire/ -- A new report from Rabobank's global Food & Agribusiness Research and Advisory department examines the dramatic growth in the bulk wine trade globally over the past two decades, and implications for wine suppliers as the segment continues to grow. "The Incredible Bulk: the Rise in Global Bulk Wine Trade" details factors that have driven the share of bulk wine exports to nearly double over the past decade at the expense of bottled wine shipments, particularly among New World suppliers – with bulk format now approaching half of total export volumes. Rabobank says in the report that the democratization, commoditization, innovation, and oversupply of wine, along with currency rates and changing trade flows, have changed both the conventional supply chain model and the distribution of value along that chain.

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