Kim Jong-il: Paranoid North Korean dictator who enjoyed women, wine and caviar while his people starved

Dec 19, 2011

(Ottawacitizen) - Kim Jong-il, the North Korean dictator, who died on Saturday aged 69, presided over the systematic impoverishment and starvation of millions of his people, while enjoying the life of a spoiled playboy - fast cars, fast women, cellars of vintage French wines, and a passion for Rambo and Daffy Duck videos. The son of North Korea's self-styled "Great Leader" Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il (known as "Dear Leader") became the first ruler of a Communist state to gain power through inheritance - on his father's death in July 1994. A pudgy, unprepossessing figure with bouffant hair and platform shoes, Kim Jong-il was initially thought to lack the elder Kim's low cunning and populist flair.

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