US: Wineries abound in Alabama: Your guide to 13 of them

Dec 18, 2011

(AL) - "Buy local” is the mantra of the moment. Grocery stores tout local produce and sprout Alabama specialty food sections. Between Black Friday and Cyber Monday comes Buy Local Saturday. Why not also pick up some local wines, particularly when it’s so much more fun to go shop at a picturesque spot where you can taste the wares than it is to fight crowds at the big box store? And if you think the selection is limited to one type, obviously you haven’t toured Alabama’s farm wineries lately. “People think our wines are always ridiculously sweet and turn their nose up, but they could very well be surprised,” says Burt Patrick of Ozan Vineyard in Calera. “Quite a few of us have dry style wines, even dry style muscadine.”

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