Shopper splurges 50,000 euros on wine at Paris duty free

Dec 12, 2011

(AFP) - A shopper has broken the record for duty-free purchases at Paris's Charles de Gaulle airport by splurging nearly 50,000 euros ($66,000) on six bottles of exclusive wine, the airport said on Monday.The shopper, who was identified only as "an Asian", bought a bottle of Romanee Conti 1995, a Chateau Margaux 2003, two bottles of Chateau Lafitte 1982 and two bottles of Petrus 1980, worth a total of 49,905 euros, Paris airports operator Aeroports de Paris said in a statement.

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Jan 8, 2012

Me and this article, sitntig in a tree, L-E-A-R-N-I-N-G!

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