US: Brooklyn wine conoisseur stole $170K of expensive alcohols, scammed 23 people on

Oct 30, 2011

(NYdailynews) - A portly Brooklyn wine connoisseur who stole $170,000 worth of high-end booze and bubbly will have to table his fine tastes for a while - and settle for prison chow. Federal Judge Jack Weinstein Friday sentenced limo driver Donald Trizzino, 50, to two years behind bars for scamming 23 people through online auction site The judge showed a soft side, agreeing to let Trizzino surrender next May so he can try to lose weight and undergo hip-replacement surgery. But Weinstein flatly rejected a bid for a no-jail sentence, citing Trizzino's convictions for gun possession and sexual misconduct involving drugging a female. In the spirits scam, Trizzino created accounts using different user names and conducted legitimate transactions with victims in order to develop credibility with them, according to court papers.

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