Panetta friend to uncork 141-year-old wine for successful bin Laden mission

Oct 27, 2011

(CNN) - Leon Panetta's New Year's Eve toast will be one that has been 10 years in the making. The Pentagon is confirming that a California restauranteur friend of Panetta's will open a bottle of wine with an estimated value of $10,000-$15,000, and the secretary of defense will be one of several friends toasting Panetta's CIA-run mission to get Osama Bin Laden. Monterey, California, restaurateur Ted Balestreri made a bet with Panetta while Panetta was CIA director that if he ever "got" bin Laden, Balestreri would open the oldest bottle of wine in his restaurant. The secretary told his friend "you're on," according to Douglas Wilson, the assistant secretary of defense for public affairs. Wilson said so many Panetta friends are likely to be together New Year's Eve that each will get only a small sip of the expensive wine.

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