Wine: Organic Is Better, Right?

Oct 21, 2011

(NewWorldWinemaker) - There is no word for winemaker in French, Spanish, Italian or German, pointing to the ingrained belief that wine is made by nature, not by man. The conviction has been held for centuries in the Old World-that wine is, at its core, the reflection of a place. While there is no single-word translation of terroir into English, the French will often use this one word to explain why a wine tastes the way it does, as a result of its place. This is a basis for a present-day concern: Is industrialization muting the effect of place? The consumer is left to answer the questions: Did this fine wine I am enjoying come from a great vineyard in a top appellation, from a talented winemaker using some dazzling new technique, and/or from a slew of agricultural and/or processing chemicals?

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