Wine Special: Changyu: From pioneer to global winemaker

Oct 20, 2011

(ChinaDaily) - Editor's note: The first to introduce European grapes and winemaking techniques in China when it was founded in Yantai, Shandong province in 1892, Changyu Pioneer Wine Co is one of nation's top producers on par with European winemakers. Li Jiming, chief master winemaker at Changyu, shares the secret of the company's success with China Daily: Q: How do you view the role of a master winemaker - or enologist - at Changyu? A: Enologists are the soul of a winery and cannot be replaced by even the most advanced equipment. Our company has a world-class team, including some from countries such as Canada, Australia and France. They are well experienced and work hard to ensure the best quality wine. Every year Changyu sends its enologists to the world's leading wine companies and research institutions to learn the latest techniques and some globally renowned experts are invited to provide regular training.

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