The Truth About Red Wine And Your Health

Oct 19, 2011

(HuffingtonPost) - Recent headlines have caused some confusion by calling red wine an overhyped super drink, calling into question whether the red stuff is actually better for you than your run-of-the-mill alcoholic bevy. But before you part with your Pinot noir and give a goodbye toast to your favorite Cabernet, let’s revisit red wine’s anti-aging ingredients and what the latest evidence reveals. Resveratrol The antioxidant, which comes from grape skins, has been touted as having both anti-aging and heart-health benefits. The trouble is that the amount of resveratrol in a glass of wine (about one milligram’s worth) is minimal. You’d need to consume an undrinkable amount of wine to (hypothetically) activate sirtuin proteins, the proclaimed miracle workers and proteins that kick-start your metabolism and may extend your life. (Preliminary studies suggest that sirtuin proteins may be activated by resveratrol.)

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