US: Lodi Launches LoCA Wine Promotion

Oct 18, 2011

(Wines&Vines) - The Lodi Winegrape Commission (LWC) launched its “LoCA” consumer marketing campaign this week with a $500,000 budget for print and digital advertising to promote consumption of Lodi appellation wines and increase visits to Lodi wine country. LWC executive director Mark Chandler said, “After 20 years of marketing Lodi to the wine trade for our grapegrowers, we now have a critical mass of Lodi appellation wines on the market and Lodi wineries (about 60 tasting rooms), so it’s time to reach out to consumers.” He added, “The goal of the campaign is to create more consumer awareness for Lodi wines and to attract more consumers to Lodi and our tasting rooms.”

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