French Wine Production to Rise as Weather Curbs Mold

Oct 8, 2011

(Bloomberg) - France’s wine production may rise to a five-year high after August rain that filled grapes was followed by dry September weather that limited damage from gray mold fungus, the Agriculture Ministry said. The volume of wine produced this year may jump 11 percent to 50.2 million hectoliters (1.33 billion gallons) from 45.4 million hectoliters in 2010, the ministry said in a report on its website today, raising its forecast from 48.8 million hectoliters in September. France’s shipments of wine and champagne last year had a value of 6.33 billion euros ($8.8 billion), or 13 percent of the country’s overall farm and food exports. Wine exports in the first six month of 2011 rose 15 percent to 3.13 billion euros, according to government data.

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